Helen Collins - artist



Art for Colourful Brains


colour,  kindness 

 & creativity 


Term 3 Art Sessions ART PLAY DAY


"One who works with their hands and their head and their heart is an artist." - Francis of Assisi

Welcome to THE FOX BOX -  where you learn art skill that assist life skills, you receive social and emotional support while exploring a world of creativity. Mess becomes masterpiece, mistakes are marvellous, and mindfulness matters. 


Helen Collins, educator, artist and child behaviour specialist, with over 20 years of experience in education setting, supporting neurodivergent learners, is passionate about assisting both  children and adults navigate feelings and behaviours through a creative practice. 

With personalised art programs run for both children and adults,  as well as holiday workshops,  you can create confidence and colour in your world any way you like! 

The Fox Box, art for colourful brains, aims to nurture creativity in a neuro affirming environment, build connections between hearts, hands and brain, supporting social and emotional development, all while making a mess ....or a masterpiece! 

What classes are available? I'm ready to book now!

"As a mum of two beautiful children with Asperges, classes at The Fox Box create a world of freedom, independence, creativity and self belief for my kids that they CAN achieve anything they dream of! There is no box of limitations that traps them in, just a bright and cheerful space that allows them to be them! "


"I’ve never had my art framed before. I feel like a real artist now."

student at The Fox Box

"The Fox Box workshops are fun, relaxed, and full of helpful tips. Helen provided the perfect environment that made me realise anyone can become an artist. Her sessions allow you to explore your inner creativity. I loved that my mini masterpiece was created in just one workshop! "

Workshop participant


50% Complete

Two Step

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